

Whether you are aware of it or not, you bring something brilliant to our world.

At Firefly Therapy Group, we believe everyone can illuminate dark spaces and we want to help you connect to that light within yourself and within your relationships. Perhaps you have noticed the fire inside you dim due to challenging circumstances. Perhaps you simply want to learn how to be the brightest version of yourself. 

Whatever has led you to this place, we are so grateful you are here.

Our commitment to you is threefold. We will:

  1. Show up authentically without judgment.

  2. Explore the roots of who you are, who you want to be, and what has gotten in your way.

  3. Listen deeply to the shifts you want to make in your life and help you to get there.

*Website photography by Cori Helms

*Website photography by Cori Helms

So much about creating successful therapy is choosing a therapist that makes you feel comfortable and safe. We use our experience, education, training, and authentic selves, to allow you to feel seen, heard, and validated.

The result?

A gentle and caring relationship that prioritizes healing, safety, and forward movement.

Welcome. We can’t wait to watch you shine.

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