Family Therapy

When a pebble is dropped into a still body of water, the ripples extend outward, changing the surface of the water and touching places that never came into contact with the pebble. This is how we see families, as systems that are changed and moved and impacted by each member. When there is pain or tension in one part of the family, it is felt by all members. Similarly, when there is growth or healing in one part of a family, that too, is felt by all members.

Family Therapy is a space to bring everything to the surface—to process old hurts, explore current dynamics, learn new ways of interacting, and move together with understanding and kindness through the different stages and obstacles of life.

As your family therapist, we will strive to get to know each of you individually as well as the norms of your family as a whole. In so doing, we will be able to see the big picture of your family, understand each individual’s role, and help you navigate what needs to be shared, looked at, and worked through.

We believe in the power of Family Therapy and know that its positive impacts can ripple far and wide.

Why you may come in for Family Therapy.

  • Divorce or Blending Families

  • Parents struggling to understand their teenager’s experience and behavior

  • Underlying familial disagreement

  • Strained parent-child (or adult-child) relationship

What you may gain from Family Therapy.

  • Improved communication

  • Feelings of safety

  • Stronger Relationships

  • A unit where all voices are heard and accounted for