Affair Recovery

“Today in the west, most of us are going to have two or three relationships or marriages, and some of us are going to do it with the same person. Your first marriage is over, would you like to create a second one together?”
- Esther Perel 

Move from hurt and betrayal to growth and rediscovery. Together, we can work through pain, betrayal, and breach of trust to create a new, stronger, and more connected relationship.

When you bravely face the most challenging parts of your relationship, and commit whole-heartedly to the work of rebuilding, you are often able to create a deeper and more attuned connection to one another.

Couples who do the tough personal and relationship work of healing from an affair often find that the new relationship they create together is even better than the one they had before. 

Why you may come in for Affair Recovery Therapy.

  • Physical infidelity

  • Emotional infidelity

  • Trust issues

What you may gain from Affair Recovery Therapy.

  • Reinstated intimacy

  • Reinstated trust

  • Stronger communication and levels of connection