Teens + Young Adults

The teenage years are some of the most exhilarating and challenging of a person’s life.

Between the changes happening on an individual level, the social excitement and pressure, family dynamics shifting, and the desire for more independence and freedom, this time in life is far from boring.

On top of all the normal stressors (college, relationships, identity, future, etc.), today’s teens are up against even more than previous generations—the ever-growing tsunami of social media, gun violence in schools, the polarizing political climate, and a global pandemic, to name a few.

Finding a good therapist for your teen can be a life raft in the storm. While our ultimate goal is to encourage open and honest conversation within the family, for teens, it can be especially beneficial to have a safe and caring adult to talk to who didn’t change their diapers.

As we all know, teenagers aren’t renowned for their excitement in doing things they don’t want to do, so finding the right fit in a therapist—someone who they will actually look forward to talking with—is key. We absolutely love working with this age group and hope to be a good fit for your family—give us a call and we’ll decide together if it feels right!  

Why you may come in.

  • Academic stress & pressure

  • Family relationships

  • Social media

  • Friendship & Romantic relationship stress

  • Divorced or separated parents

  • Depression or anxiety

What you may gain.

  • Self-confidence & empowerment

  • Emotion regulation

  • Improving communication

  • Confidence in setting healthy boundaries

  • Improved parental and family relationships

  • Improved school performance and friendships