We consider EMDR therapy part science, part magic—it is structured and precise while also mysterious in its simplicity and ability to create such true change.    

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidenced-based technique that is incredibly effective and long-lasting. EMDR allows you to process and release traumatic experiences by targeting memories, feelings, and body sensations that are trapped in your nervous system and moving them to their new home in your long-term memory. This way, events from your past will feel more like hard memories, and less like a current surge of fear or anxiety.  

EMDR allows you a chance to explore events and situations in your life in a different way than other therapies do. Through connecting to your subconscious and body sensations, it helps you tap into your internal abilities to strengthen your intuition and find freedom from the traumatic events that have held you captive. Through the use of EMDR, memories and energy held in your body are processed and released. The result? A feeling of freedom and peace that may surprise you.

While EMDR was created as a trauma treatment, it is a beneficial technique that can be used to target any challenging belief, experience, memory, view of self, or area of “stuckness” in your life.  

If you have an EMDR and/or trauma therapy-related question … please reach out and ask!

Why you may come in for trauma + EMDR therapy.

  • Healing from childhood traumas

  • Healing from sexual abuse

  • Flashback memories or nightmares

  • Feeling stuck in pain of the past

  • Other traumatic events

What you may gain from trauma + EMDR therapy.

  • Regulated emotions

  • A sense of freedom from old demons

  • Confidence

  • Feeling of safety in your own body

  • Shifting negative cycles

  • Stronger Relationships