Couples Therapy

The bad news? Frustration, loneliness, and arguments are common among couples. 
The good news? Couples Therapy really does help.

Just like anything of great importance, maintaining a fulfilling and connected relationship with your partner takes intention, care, and nurturing. Whether you are in a place of challenge in your relationship, or are wanting a deeper connection to your person, Couples Therapy can help get you there.

Often, couples come into therapy sharing that they feel “stuck,” or they are frustrated by having the same arguments “on repeat.” While each separate fight or miscommunication feels unique and frustrating in its own way, arguments or challenges in a relationship are often like the branches of a tree—different topics but connected to the same roots. Our job as your therapist is to guide you to those roots by helping you to understand your patterns, explore the underlying feelings, and ultimately create a greater sense of compassion, safety, and connection.

In addition, we will assist in guiding you through new and different connecting experiences within the therapy room. These deepening experiences will start to transform the repetitive negative cycles which left you stuck and frustrated.

The result is a healthy and safe connection you may have never known was possible. 

Why you may come in for couples therapy.

  • Communication struggles

  • Conflict navigation

  • Affairs /Infidelity

  • Premarital counseling

  • Co-parenting struggles

  • Connection reboot

  • Lack of emotional or physical intimacy

What you may gain from couples therapy.

  • A secure and healthy attachment

  • Peaceful resolution

  • Increased trust and understanding

    1. Wedding preparedness

  • Alignment on child-rearing goals

  • A stronger, more loving connection

  • Deeper emotional intimacy